Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Concepcion, Chile from November 2013---October 2015

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

La Humilidad

Hello dear friends and family,

First and for most I would like to thank all of you who are thinking of me and hoping for me. It is amazing how far away I am, but still that I have the ability to feel your love from afar. This has been one of the most diverse weeks of my life. 

One thing I have been trying to work on is one trait that we can find is almost everyone. Ezra Taft Benson speaks of this trait in a talk called Cuidaos de Orgullo.

 "Pride is a sin that can readily be seen in others but is rarely admitted inourselves. Most of us consider pride to be a sin of those on the top, suchas the rich and the learned, looking down at the rest of us. (See 2 Ne.9:42.) There is, however, a far more common ailment among us—and thatis pride from the bottom looking up. It is manifest in so many ways, suchas faultfinding, gossiping, backbiting, murmuring, living beyond ourmeans, envying, coveting, withholding gratitude and praise that might liftanother, and being unforgiving and jealous."

Everyone could use a little more humility in our lives, often times due to a lack of humility we find ourselves searching for the wrong things in this life. We lie, cheat, steal, fight, and overall forget what we have and how we recieved it. This past Sunday I was asked to give a talk on the theme humility, and as I was asked I was given an invitiation to try and live my theme so that I would be able to better speak. 

One scripture that hits to heart, is found in Ether 12:27.

 27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

If we are always remembering our constant need for the Savior and for others around us the World will be a lighter place, we will see more success in our lives, better relationships, we will have much more gratitude in our lives. The scriptures say that pride is the universal sin, and if so, then through humility we have the antidote for all of our problems. I know if we all try to be a little more humble we will see a grnad change in the world and in ourselves!

This week, like I said, was one of the best weeks ever. We had many activies for the branch, great lessons. met gran people, and after much help we were able to get one of the investagators of our Hermanas baptized. Sadly our invest, Jose was not able to be baptized, he was not willing to change his life, and it is his choice, thus we were sad to let him go. But Rodrigo (26 years old) had one of the funnies baptizes I will ever see. First of all the Hermanas did not have pants that fit him well, and he did not know how to tie a tie but tried anyways and he looked like such a champ, after while he was in the water, the water was freezing by the way, we did not have electricity for the heater to work. Then the Hemano who was to baptize Rodrigo could not remember Rodrigos name, he could not get the words right, and finally when we helped him to get it all down, he bent foward instead of going back and after the Brother tried to flip Rodrigo backwards, but Rodrigo fell down and could not get back up, it was like a slow motion fall! And so we rebaptized him, but two more times because he did not go all the was under, it was just the best ever! After the baptize we had a very interesting experience with the brother of Rodrigo and his family!

This Monday we had the opportunity to go to the Nevadas de Chillan, a mountain slope that in meant for skiing when it s primetime winter, for an activity for the zones of Chillan. We, meaning Elder Bertolio and I, hiked up the mountain for about 2 hours alone and had, the time of our lives! I am waiting for sweet fotos to send when I get them from!

Again, thank you for all of your love! Hope all is well with y´all!

Con Amor,

Elder Siaosi

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