Serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Concepcion, Chile from November 2013---October 2015

Monday, February 3, 2014

Feasting on the Spirit during this Fast Sunday

This week has been so filled with work! On Tuesday we had to send away Elder Rojas, and he didn´t pack anything until that morning haha! After that we  had to go to the city Chillan to pick up Elder Mills and his new comp. And now we have a new missionary in our House, his name is Elder Barrios de Guatemala and he has been out for about 7 months. We had to get him all unpacked and show him the ropes of dry Ol´ Quillon. Later this week we helped an Investigator find a new house to live in because she needed to move out of her home with her boyfriend and live solo in the new house until they get married. The good news, now she is able to get baptised yah!

On Friday we had to do this miserable service project to clean this lady´s house and build a new roof, and it will take multiple days to finish, the Hermanas in our Sector set it up...Sometimes I feel like it is good to help, but I do not want to waste my time, serving someone and only one person instead broadening my game. After that I went to Chillan because since my companion is a district leader he is responsable for baptismal interviews. The sweet part was an Elder Jackson came here, who served here before when he first arrived to Chile. The day was great we visited old inverstigators of his, converts, and menos activos and they were so glad to see him, and he committed them and the accepted, many came to church that haven't in a long time. The next day my companion returned and we had to help this lady again! But we owe the Hermanas they do so much for us Elders so we always give them favors! 

Later that day my companion and I were contacting and we stopped and this house that looked like it had not been inhabited forever, so we contacted it for fun right, well this man comes out and invites us in and his wife is there also. They both have thier scriptures out on the table with hymn books and they tell us they have been waiting for us to arrive all week! So weird, they said they had moved to Quillon about a few years ago and stopped coming to church (they had been full members who wore G´s and all). And this past week, the husband felt like he needed to come to church but didn`t think much of it, and then he felt that someone was going to visit him from the church, and we showed up the next few days! They asked us to sing a hymn, and we did, and then give a spritual thought, and then did something super awesome, they gave us references to other family in the area. This Sunday we have 6 menos activos come to church, 5 recent convert, and two investigators. Not too shabby. We almost doubled the ward, haha ok not really but there are about 65 people each reunion and we brought 13 more people than the last weeks attendance!

JOSE. Alright so this coming week we have a very special date planned for the 8th of February. The baptism of our best investigator Jose. He is super great and listens intently to every lesson and completes every commitment! Also a little fun fact about Jose, he can`t read, thus we have to teach him with videos, pictures, and by reading him scriptures. Yesturday we had a Noche de Hogar with him and a few other members in our ward. We played games, ate food, and taught him the commandments necessary for baptism (tithing, Word of Wisdom, Law of Chastity, and the 10 commandments). He has his interview this Thursday so fingers crossed! 

So far this cambio has been great but hope for much more exito! Miss and love everyone at home. Wish the best!!

Elder Siaosi

Oh and one chiste I heard from my zone leader that was a little funny!

Why was the tomatoe red?

Because he saw the salad dressing!

 Jose is the man next to the missionaries! We have a huge circus in town, and forgive my comp he cant take a good picture. A manual nacho cart, and pics of the old zone before cambios!

1 comment:

  1. What great experiences! When you're rebuilding the roof, don't think your time is not effective. Even the Lord left the 99 to help the 1. Your service will open doors for other missionaries in the future to serve people around her. The Lord has planned this out. You have the opportunity of helping his plan move forward. Keep up the good work!!!
